Talk notes: Ignite Talks (#DevOps Day)

DevOps Day,Santa Clara, CA
June 25, 2010
I'm here to participate on a panel called "DevOps Outside of Web Operations."
Ignite Talks
5 minutes, all slides advance every 30 seconds
- Adam Rosien (@arosian)
- "undeployed code == wasted warehouse space"
- deploy canaries: self test
- auto rollback, exponential deploys
- commit messages, deploy services
- zookeeper, json, collectd, nagios, hudson, ant, rpm, yum, jcollectd, rrrdtool, type-systems, jmx, rabbitmq, esper
- "splunk lite": all exceptions in the last 30 minutes
- we're hiring:
- Alex Honor, DTO Solutions: deployment tool chains: http:/
- dev: specify packages they need in operations
- operations: perform release and deployment
- dev need: app code, configs, third party packages
- release managers: issue tracking status, QA approval, change control sched, promote the artifacts
- ops need: assess scheduling conflict, decide how to batch updates, deploys packages
- managers need: responsibilities and boundaries, enforce process through auth, audit and trace changes
- need: self-service: each role has service service
- keep it simple: use freely available tools, reflect roles and process, easy to understand
- tool: the "meta" package: coupled set of packages
- tool: yum repository: central storage and index, resolve and install package dependencies
- tool: source is in SCM: developers have commit access
- tool: CI job; devs modify/run job when desired
- tool: runbook jobs: promote by release manager and deploy for ops admin
- process: specify package needs
- audit compliance
- The Cloud is a Trendy Mainframe: Erica from Bitnami: Erica Brescia
- 1956: $23K/month for 4.17MB of storage
- Now: $0.10/month for 1GB
- Backup: then: tape
- Now: Amazon EBS
- I/O: 1.44 MB vs. ship storage device to
- Distribution: acoustic modem vs. instant
- Hardware: messy heat/power vs. AWS, Joyent, etc.
- Price: Commodore PET for $2.7K @ 1MHz vs. 1 GHz w/1.7GB @ 9.5 cents/hr
- App deployment: BitNami creates prepackaged builds
- Really fast moving software, Clint Byrum, Canonical Ubuntu Server team:
- API Contracts: they used to be stable, dependencies were few and loosely coupled
- how do we keep our sanity? test coverage: continuous integration, automatic dependency resolution
- Reality check: if you don't have the right culture, you don't have it
- the good: new versions are typcially more stable and faster
- the bad: stuff breaks, repeated integration cost
- case study: libmemcached: 0.31 v 0.40 releases
- MongoDB: Ubuntu included a version, rapidly judged "don't use"
- So why do we bother packaging? for predictability, so you know what's on the OS: like Southwest Airlines: one type of jet
- What can authors do: "stop breaking your APIs! You're killing us!"
- What can distributors do? Cry.
- What is better way? Something sysadmins already do
- Not "no more handwaving"
- Leverage core compentency
- Python people don't want distro python
- Rather than build
- PPA or "personal package archive"
- launchpad service to easily build packages and then deploy them easily
- Author participation: get involvement early
- Derivatives made easy?
- Metrics Simplified: Mark Lin,
- hard
- bottlenecks: ops need to do all of this; tough on ops people
- graphite, mabbitmq, graphite local proxy
- path to graph
- now developers implement metrics before ops even asks (cool)
- graph = post event forensics
- rocksteady, metric as event
- revelation
- beyond simple metric
- what we learned
- make metric sending simple
- nice UI to make sense of data
- real time processing of metric rock
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