My 2011 Velocity Presentation: "Creating the Dev/Test/PM/Ops Supertribe: From Visible Ops To DevOps"

I spent two awesome days at the amazing 2011 Velocity Conference. The presentations were fantastic, the practitioners in attendance had amazing kung fu, andI had a chance to reconnect with some of my favorite people in the industry. Not to mention making new friends.
I can't say enough good things about this conference. If you want to know what the bleeding edge of Web Operations and Development execution look like, this is a conference you can't afford not to be at. Whether you're Ops, Dev or Infosec.
I had the privilege of presenting on Wednesday. The talk title was "Creating the Dev/Test/PM/Ops Supertribe: From Visible Ops To DevOps." It summarized some of my key learnings since co-authoring the Visible Ops Handbook and studying high performing IT operations organization, and why I'm so excited about the DevOps movement.
Jesse Robbins (@jesserobbins), John Willis (@botchagalupe) and Patrick DeBois (@patrickdebois) convinced me to talk about some of the projects I'm working now, which I describe in the presentation, as well.
Slideshare is below, followed by the talk abstract.
I’m going to share my top lessons of how great IT organizations simultaneously deliver stellar service levels and fast flow of new features into production. It requires creating a “super-tribe”, where development, test, IT operations and information security genuinely work together to solve business objectives as opposed to throwing each under the bus.
I will describe what successful transformations look like, and how they were achieved from a Dev and Ops perspective. It will draw upon my 11 year study of high performing IT organizations, as well as work I¹ve done since 2008 to help some of that largest Internet companies increase feature flow and production stability.
Lastly, I will share materials from two book projects I am currently working on: “When IT Fails: The Novel” and a prescriptive DevOps guide. I am seeking fellow travelers who want to capture and codify the best known methods, recipes and case studies of how to implement successful DevOps-style transformations.